
Correction Policies

Correction Policy for HoopHaap
HoopHaap (hereinafter referred to as “HoopHaap” / “We” / “Us” / “Our”) is dedicated to maintaining accuracy and integrity in our reporting. We understand our responsibility to our readers and strive to promptly correct any inaccuracies that may arise on our website.

HoopHaap is committed to delivering accurate and comprehensive news reports to our audience, based on all available information at the time of reporting. We strive to promptly correct any errors in material published on Our Website as soon as they are brought to our attention. As a digital platform, we implement corrections and clarifications on our social media channels or provide an editor’s note detailing the corrections made and the nature of the error, in addition to updating the content itself. In instances where a significant mistake may lead to the dissemination of misinformation, we extend a timely and sincere apology to our readers.

Updating a Report
We have a standard procedure in place to ensure transparency with our readers regarding updates to our stories. It is our policy to utilize a correction, clarification, or editor’s note whenever a significant mistake is rectified or a story is amended to incorporate comments and updates from stakeholders. In the event of an error identified in our fact-check process (as outlined in our Fact-Check Policy available at [“Fact-Check Policy”]), we promptly update the respective article. At the top of the article, we clearly indicate in bold “[Correction: updated Info…]” and provide an explanation of the correction made. We encourage our community members to contribute to the accuracy of our content by sending corrections to editor Additionally, at the bottom of every article, we offer readers the opportunity to suggest any necessary corrections.

When substantively correcting an article, photo caption, headline, graphic, video, or any other material, we ensure prompt publication of a correction detailing the necessity for the change.

When our journalism is factually accurate but the language used to convey those facts lacks clarity or detail, we promptly rewrite the language and add clarification to the story. Additionally, we utilize clarification to indicate instances where we initially neglected to seek a comment or response, which has since been included in the story, or when new reporting has altered our account of an event.

Editor’s Notes
If a correction challenges the fundamental substance of an article or presents a significant ethical dilemma, it may necessitate an editor’s note, accompanied by an explanation of the issue at hand. The addition of an editor’s note to a story is subject to approval by a senior editor.

Other Corrections Policies
If a reader discovers an error and shares it in the comment stream, our community engagement team can confirm within the comments section that the error has been addressed. When we mistakenly publish information on social networks, we promptly correct it directly on the platform. If correction is not possible, we retract the inaccurate information. We refrain from attributing blame to individual reporters or editors (e.g., “due to a reporting error” or “due to an editing error”).

Reporting inaccuracies
If you identify any inaccuracies in a story we’ve published, please reach out to our editorial team through the “Suggest A Correction” section located at the end of each web story. Alternatively, you can contact us via email at We value your feedback and strive to maintain the highest standards of accuracy in our reporting.

Take-down Requests
As part of our editorial policy, we do not accommodate take-down requests. If a subject asserts that a story is inaccurate, we are prepared to conduct an investigation and, if warranted, issue a correction. In instances where fairness dictates an update or follow-up to our previous coverage, we comply, assessing whether additional editorial measures are necessary, but refraining from removing the article entirely as if it had never been published. When we publish publicly available personal data, we only consider takedown requests if the individual in question faces physical harm due to the presence of such material.

We facilitate content modifications using AI tools such as ChatGPT, Google Gimini, and others, ensuring instant corrections for any inaccuracies or errors. Should you require any adjustments, please provide the details of the correction, and we will promptly update the content and image. Kindly email us the link to the story at for swift action.




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